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Why Should I Have My Roof Cleaned?



1)  ​Roof Algae, lichens and/or moss can eat through your shingles and into your roof deck causing wood rot. When the wood rots, moisture gets in through the cracks and creates an environment hospitable to mold growth. And mold growth in a home can pose health risks to people and pets. Don't ignore roof stains. Costly roof repairs can be avoided BEFORE any permanent damage to your roof deck occurs. 

2) Restore the beauty of your home. A dirty roof detracts from your home's curb appeal. You clean your siding, porches, and walkways. You may even apply weed control and fertilizers to spruce up your lawn and garden. But if you ignore those ugly roof stains, no matter what else you do to improve your home's exterior, those stains will be the main focal point that you, your friends, neighbors and visitors will see. Also, if you are hoping to sell your house, roof cleaning is a must!

3) Stop the damage that roof staining organisms are doing to your roof. These organisms, specifically algae, lichens, and moss are feeding off the organic material in your shingles. In other words, your shingles are their food source. The longer they are allowed to stay and feast off your shingles, the more damage they will cause. It's important to schedule your Roof Cleaning as soon as you notice staining to stop the ongoing damage these organisms are doing to your shingles.

4) Having your roof cleaned by Atlantic Restoration & Cleaning is the cost saving alternative to premature re-roofing. There is absolutely no need to prematurely re-roof when your roof can look like new again for a fraction of replacement costs.

5) A roof covered with algae creates a situation where the granules on your shingles are no longer able to efficiently reflect sunlight. The algae covered shingles absorb heat, rather than reflecting it, thereby super-heating your attic and increasing your cooling costs. A Roof Shampoo® safely, gently, and completely removes the staining, restoring your roof back to its natural health and efficiency.

6) The effects of roof algae, lichens and moss can actually attract animals to your home, and ultimately into your attic. The integrity of your shingles and your roof can be compromised by these organisms.  Algae, lichens and moss can penetrate the shingles allowing moisture to get into the sheathing. This moisture can cause wood to rot. The odor of rotting wood attracts animals. Critter Control expert and President of Tennessee Wildlife Management, Inc. explains how a roof treated by a professional can help prevent an animal invasion. He states that animals "are actually attracted to the smell of rotting wood (mildew and mold) because in nature they have learned to associate that smell with food and shelter. Nine times out of ten, when we see an animal entry through a roof or fascia board, they have chosen to go through where wood has started to rot. They did not choose that spot randomly, nor did they just decide to go house hunting.

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